Friday, May 6, 2011

Round 1: Match 4: Metal Gear Vs Hammer

Weapon - Metal Gear
Game - Metal Gear Solid
Seed - 4
Scouting Report -Where to start about a weapon that is the same name as the title of the game? Metal Gear was a revolutionary weapon because of its ability to launch a nuclear attack from any stable territory.  It was complete with a Vulcan Gun, Machine Gun, and Missile Pods.  The only weak spot of Metal Gear was the legs.  There were different types of Metal Gears, but all could be equally overpowering for Solid Snake.

Weapon - Hammer
Game - Super Smash Bros.
Seed - 13
Scouting Report - The Hammer was a great weapon for people like me who were not all that great at fighting games.  Whenever the Hammer came out I would do what I could to grab it and try to level the playing field.  It was a game changing weapon.  If you were able to connect with the Hammer you could do some serious damage.  Just remember though, with the Hammer you are not allowed to double jump.  This could ultimately lead to a short Hammer run...

Vote in the comments and in the poll.  You'll get votes for both.

Super Sheep Wins In Overtime!

Super Sheep wins by 1 vote!

With the time winding down until the poll was closed it looked like we were well on our way to another tie.  Tied at 4 votes apiece in the poll I decided to check the comments sections even though not many of you have been voting in that area.  What do I find? One single vote for the Super Sheep that makes the difference!  With an overtime score of 5-4 the Super Sheep advance to take on the daunting task of trying to slow Bo Jackson.

Let this go to show you that placing your vote in the comment section can be the difference when it comes to the tournament.  Also as a reminder like always be sure to check the site often and vote for your favorite weapons and spread the word!  I will be posting the next matchup for this weekend sometime today and leave it up until Monday.  That gives everyone a full weekend to come and vote for their favorite!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Fire Flower takes Match 3!

Just like the NCAA Tournament a 12 seed upsets a 5!

It looks like the Fire Flower has overcome the Blades of Chaos in a lopsided victory.  Not only was it a lopsided victory but there was absolutely no love for the God of War weapon.  The final tally was 6-0 in favor of the Fire Flower.

The tie breaker vote is currently going on between the Super Sheep and Fat Man.  Please place your vote in the poll or in the comment section for that match up.  Remember that your vote will count twice if you vote in both the poll and in the comments section.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We have our first TIE!

We have a tie in the Voting!

Because the voting has ended in a tie between the Fat Man and Super Sheep.  We are going to put the poll back up for a day or so.  Along with that you will be able to post comments under this post and it will be counted as an official vote.

If it is a tie again after this round of voting the higher seed will advance.  So be sure to vote in the poll and in the comment sections.  Also be sure to tell people to come check us out and vote for their favorite as well!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Round 1: Match 3: Blades of Chaos vs Fire Flower

Weapon - Blades of Chaos
Game - God of War
Seed - 5
Scouting Report - A staple weapon in the God of War series.  The Blades of chaos may be one of the coolest looking weapons on the list.  Flaming blades that can be thrown at enemies and and pulled back from the connected chains.  This weapon makes for great combos and devastating blows.  It is easy to see why this is the best weapon in God of War.

Weapon - Fire Flower
Game - Mario
Seed - 12
Scouting Report - If you have ever played a Mario game in the past you should be familiar with this weapon.  One of the very few items that you could get that would allow Mario to throw/shoot a projectile at an enemy.  Making things easier than just jumping on them, the Fire Flower has been a staple in the Mario series from the very beginning.

Vote in the comments and in the poll.  You'll get votes for both.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Round 1: Match 2: Fat Man vs Super Sheep

Weapon - Fat Man
Game - Fallout 3
Seed - 8
Scouting Report - Have you ever dreamed of shooting a mini nuke? Well this is the weapon for you. Ammo may be limited and the cost through the roof, but the effects of the Fat Man are devastating.  Great at taking out multiple enemies with only one shot.  Just be sure to be far enough away so you don't blow yourself up.

Weapon - Super Sheep
Game - Worms
Seed - 9
Scouting Report - The Super Sheep is basically a seeker missile in sheep form.  It can fly by pressing the fire button.  While in flight you control the flight path using the normal worms controls. Pressing the fire button a second time causes the sheep to detonate.  Great for attacking enemies in those hard to reach places.  Just be sure to watch where you are going.  The Super Sheep also detonates on impact!

Vote in the comments and in the poll.  You'll get votes for both.

Bo Jackson wins!

In the first match of the tournament Bo Jackson is the first weapon to advance.  The final tally came in at 12 votes for Bo Jackson and 5 votes for the Bionic Arm.  It was almost as lopsided as Bo Jackson against anyone in Tecmo Super Bowl.  Bo knows winning, but who will he face in the second round?

The poll is now up for the 2nd match Fat Man vs Super Sheep.  The post will also be up around 5 PM. Once again just a reminded to vote on the poll and in the comments section to get your opinion counted twice!  Also be sure to tell people to come check out the tournament.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Match 1: Bo Jackson vs Bionic Arm

Weapon - Bo Jackson
Game - Tecmo Super Bowl
Seed - 1
Scouting Report - Bo Jackson was put in to Tecmo Super Bowl to do one thing.  Run faster and more agile than any other player in the game.  If he got the ball, your best option as a defender was to backpedal.  If you didn't, he'd be past you already.  To the doubters that say "He isn't a weapon!", watch this video and notice how thoroughly he beats 11 members of the opposing team for an entire quarter.

Weapon - Bionic Arm
Game - Bionic Commando
Seed - 16
Scouting Report - Bionic Commando is a platformer unlike all others.  You can't jump. Instead, you're given an arm that acts as a grappling hook, item collector, and eternal sign of being a badass.  Since you shoot a pea shooter for much of Bionic Commando, the Bionic Arm becomes a weapon that also makes you agile and elusive on the battlefield.
Vote in the comments and in the poll.  You'll get votes for both.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tournament of Weapons - Opening Brackets!

Here it is, we took a lot of suggestions and did a lot of research.  Here's our opening brackets.

The basic rules are this.  We post a matchup, you vote on it.  You can vote in the comments AND in the poll's.  If you do both, your vote will be counted twice.  We'll try and do a matchup every day or two.

This should be a lot of fun.