Friday, May 6, 2011

Round 1: Match 4: Metal Gear Vs Hammer

Weapon - Metal Gear
Game - Metal Gear Solid
Seed - 4
Scouting Report -Where to start about a weapon that is the same name as the title of the game? Metal Gear was a revolutionary weapon because of its ability to launch a nuclear attack from any stable territory.  It was complete with a Vulcan Gun, Machine Gun, and Missile Pods.  The only weak spot of Metal Gear was the legs.  There were different types of Metal Gears, but all could be equally overpowering for Solid Snake.

Weapon - Hammer
Game - Super Smash Bros.
Seed - 13
Scouting Report - The Hammer was a great weapon for people like me who were not all that great at fighting games.  Whenever the Hammer came out I would do what I could to grab it and try to level the playing field.  It was a game changing weapon.  If you were able to connect with the Hammer you could do some serious damage.  Just remember though, with the Hammer you are not allowed to double jump.  This could ultimately lead to a short Hammer run...

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