Friday, March 25, 2011

First Impression of Mass Effect

I have to start off by saying I am surprised that I have not played this game before.  Mostly because it has been out for three and a half years!  I know BluePai had probably told me to play this in the past.  Usually I listen to his suggestions, but for some reason this time I didn't.  Either way, I was only able to get about an hour into the game last night.  After all, I do have a real job that I have to get up in the morning for. 

Because I was quite eager to start playing the game itself, I really did not take much time in the character creation in the very beginning.  I was however quite surprised to hear a familiar voice once I started.  Seth Green lends his voice as Flight Lieutenant Jeff 'Joker' Moreau. 

As the game starts you find yourself on a ship called "Normandy".  After a few conversations with different crew members, you come to find out that you are traveling to a destination called "Eden Prime".  Once you have gone through the conversations with different crew members you are ready to explore Eden Prime and search for the Beacon. 

I could continue on the story line, but like I have mentioned in a previous post I may be the last person who even comes to this blog who has played this game.  Even though I was only able to play Mass Effect for about an hour, I was quite impressed.  The graphics, in my opinion, are very good.  Along with a couple cut scenes that are fantastic graphic wise. The one that sticks out in my mind is the scene where your character wakes up on Normandy after exploring Eden Prime. 

One thing I really liked was the interaction in the game. You can choose your own answer when asked a question.  I am assuming that your answers will effect the way you are viewed in the game.  In that regard it reminds me very much of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.  I can only hope that the story will be half as good as KOTOR. 

Overall I am impressed so far with what I have played.  I know it is barely scratching the surface in what I have seen out of this game, but I do look forward to diving in a little deeper and seeing what Mass Effect really has to offer.  I know for a fact that this game will be played quite a bit over the weekend!

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