Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mass Effect: Feros

May Conatain Spoilers...

By now if you have not noticed, I plan on posting a blog after I complete a planet.  This way I will be able to talk about the planets as a whole and not have to worry about stopping midway through missions.  I have been able to get in about a planet a day.  As I get more into the game I will have to see if I can keep up that pace.  Now onto what's really important here...  Feros.

Coming into the port at Feros you are greeted quite differently than Noveria.  As a matter of fact you are not really greeted at all.  After you exit the Normandy, you start to wander through Feros.  Knowing that the reason you came here was because of the Geth you make your way through the port.  To no surprise you are met with the Geth attacking you as you explore the new planet.

Shortly after your first encounter with the Geth on Feros you find what is left of the civilization Zhu's Hope.  It appears to have been under constant attack and you will quickly learn that something doesn't seem quite right with some of these people.  Strange or not, you decide to help them with their current Geth infestation.

With the Geth now exterminated from Zhu's Hope your mission now turns into finding the cause for the strange behavior with the locals.  Once again you will find yourself using the Mako and traveling across the sky way.  This time i just drove past the enemies and didn't give them a chance to kill me.  After a short time in the Make you find more survivors that have been holed up since the Geth attacks.  Here you are able to accept a couple more missions and then continue to the ExoGeni Facility.

The Geth's main ship has attached itself to the facility.  Fighting your way through enemies and completing a fairly simple puzzle helps you rid Feros of the Geth for good.  Now all you have to do is make your way back to the survivors.


Once you return to the holed up survivors you find out what has been wrong with them.  They are being controlled by the Thorian and all the survivors in Zhu's Hope will turn against you and the choice is yours to eliminate them, or subdue them.  I personally chose to just subdue them, keeping my nice guy image alive.  Turns out, the Thorian has been under Zhu's Hope for quite some time.  Gain access to the Thorian's home and destroy him to save the colonists. 

Overall this was a fun planet to play through.  There were not many moments where I felt overwhelmed by the enemies, but had enough action throughout that kept me hooked.  I can easily see myself playing through this game again and doing the opposite of what I did the first time around.

Next up: Artemis Tau cluster  

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