Monday, April 25, 2011

#3: Phantom Dust

"What's Phantom Dust?" you might ask.  I've had to describe this game to multiple people because it's fantastic and I talk a lot, but it's an underground game.

Phantom Dust is what happens if you mix a third person action game with an excellent setting, some stirring plot, excellent multiplayer, and deck building.  I love deck building.  If you've been a fan of deck building games or collectible card games in the past, play this game.

The easier way of describing Phantom Dust is this.  Phantom Dust is what would happen if you brought Magic: The Gathering to life.

You play as a guy with amnesia who's trying to join the society's guard forces.  They fight by making a combination of 30 skills in a deck and then busting them out on the battlefield.  The skills from your deck randomly appear in your home base and you can only equip 4 at a time, so the fights become very strategic very quick.  You also have an energy limit, so you can't rapid fire your skills at all times, you have to pick the correct moments.

At this point, your enemy is bombing his attacks at you which is where the environment comes into play.  You can dodge enemy skills, but your best bet is to keep something in between you and your enemy.  The twist is that certain environments can be broken.  Hide behind a pillar and your enemy might bring the bridge the pillar is holding down on top of you.  It's original and let's you feel like your attacks have some power behind them.

The plot is good and has an unexpected KOTOR-sized plot twist to it, but the other main draw to Phantom Dust is the multiplayer.  The game allows for 4 players to duke it out with their own decks.  The 2v2 battles are insanely deep with people specifically picking decks to super charge their teammate while others go full blast in other areas.  It's smart, communication-requiring multiplayer.

I replay this game, on average, once a year.  I love it that much.  Heck, if I know you personally, you can borrow my copy (it will play on 360's even though it's an Xbox game).

Phantom Dust is an interesting blend of smart, pre-planning and fast-paced, destructive action.  Unfortunately, its other main draw is that it's so unique.  I really want more games to play like it, but all we have is Phantom Dust.

I think I'm going to start it back up right now.

1 comment:

  1. YES. This is the game that I was most wondering where it would end up on your list. Definitely deserves a top-3 spot.
