Saturday, April 16, 2011

#11: Super Smash Brothers

Here's the top rated fighting game on my list.  Super Smash Brothers was (and is) a unique fighting game and a great mashup of various Nintendo brand characters.

People who know me understand that I'm not a gigantic fan of fighting games.  However, Super Smash Bros was a new kind of fighter.  There was no health bar.  There was a scaling damage rating that influenced how far your character flew.  There was no honor.  It was a 2-4 player scrum on stages that fought you as much as your opponents did.  There was no structure.  Random items rained from the sky that could turn the stage of a battle quickly.

Smash Bros was best played in groups where hooting and hollering was loud and constant.  There was always some rivalry to experience or character to hate... for example, Pikachu.  That little Thunder-Bolting rodent can spend his entire afterlife in the underworld for all I care.  Alright, I don't hate him that much, but my sister Audrey made me despise that thunder rat whenever she used it.  Grrrr.
Despite the gimmick of having your favorite Nintendo characters fight each other, it's an extremely polished and perfect fighting game with true balance.

Go Ness.

1 comment:

  1. I can't help it that I completely rock that game using Pikachu.
    On an unrelated note, I'm getting increasingly nervous as I haven't seen FF Tactics show up on the list yet. I'm hoping that it's coming up here in the top 10, because I figured that you wouldn't list other FF games but then forget about Tactics (aka the best Final Fantasy there is).
