Friday, April 1, 2011

#25: Halo

It should come as no surprise to people that know me that Halo is on this list again.  The franchise has popularized console shooters and Halo: Combat Evolved started it all.

Halo 1 was the first shooter to truly get pacing correct.  It wasn't all on foot and it wasn't one weapon.  You'd concentrate on various things throughout the course of a single level.  Flying, driving, racing, running, and gunning were all standard parts of the game.  Focusing on multiple things made sure that the player never got bored or complacent.  Halo did have an issue with reusing levels and was insulted so often for it that Bungie hasn't used a repeat level since.

The multiplayer was what drew most people to the game.  Halo was the first widespread LAN game on consoles.  Normally, to group people up and play a game, you could play 4 player (on console) or infinite player (but every person had to lug a PC and monitor to the event).  On Halo, up to 16 people could play across Xbox's only needing 1 Xbox per 4 players.  The acclaim was widespread.

Gamers gathered all over the country to try this new experience.  The Xbox took off solely because of Halo.  In the game, they got to join balanced gametypes that focused on Halo's 3 main forms of damage: guns, grenades, and punching.  In a single match, multiple kills would be obtained with each.  It was rare to see that balance in a shooter at that time (for that matter, it's still rare presently).

The levels were extremely varied.  For every close range level, there was a sniper paradise.  Shooter fans flocked to the new standard in console gaming, which made the Xbox a force.

If only the pistol wasn't so overpowered.

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