Sunday, April 3, 2011

Final Poll Before the Tournament of Weapons

It looks like we have a few different types of gamers that are avid readers of The Orion Project.  The poll results show that we have gamers who try to get a few hours in a week and yet some who can't get enough hours in.  Which ever your preference we are here to provide informative video game banter and overall fun reading about video games. 

We here at Orion Project are going to have one more poll before we start the tournament.  We would like to thank everyone who once again voted.  By voting it gives us a good idea of things we post.  However, this next poll will really tell us what you would like to see.

The next poll will be about what YOU want to see us talk/post about.  It could be reviews of new games that have just came out.  Or even reviews of games that have been out that we have or have not played yet.  How about hearing us talk about crazy moments that we encounter in video games?  I know there would be a few stories from Halo's multi-player.

Would you like us to post about previews for games that are not out yet?  Granted, we are not to the status of getting games before they are out, but we would be able to blog about various opinions on games. What about the Indie games that are out that you have never heard of? We can make suggestions on what games would be worth your time and worth your money.

Finally we would have Classic Games.  With this we would go back 15 years and reminisce about games that we played growing up.  We may even play the game again and post about the things that made this game great.

Pleas feel free to discuss in the comment section and be sure to make you voice heard in the poll!  It can be found on the right of the page.

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