Monday, April 11, 2011

What should we post more about?

Voting is over on the last poll here at The Orion Project.  Even though there was not an overwhelming amount of people who voted we did have a winner.  It looks like we will try and post more along with playing more classic video games. Since the voting was close I am sure that we will also post about the options that were close as well.  

This was going to be the last poll that we had until the Tournament of Weapons. However, in light of BluePai and myself playing Minecraft again, his top 50 has slowed a bit along with my posts.  To tide you over I will be posting a new poll.  I have no idea what it will be yet.  Maybe what we should build next in Minecraft. 

Just a reminder that once BluePai finishes his top 50 we will be starting the Tournament of Weapons.  Along with that, when the time comes to post my top 50 I have made the decision that I am only going to do 25 games.  Why would I do this?  Well frankly I have not played as many games as BluePai and would not be doing my list justice by listing games just to list them. 

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