Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mass Effect: Ilos

May Contain Spoilers!

The next couple of posts from me will be what happens at the end of Mass Effect.  As well as informing you what happens in the game, I will let you know the choices that I made that change the outcome of different scenes.  There will be spoilers and if you do not want to know what happens I suggest holding off on reading these posts.

When you are approaching Ilos there is not a really good spot to drop the Mako.  That on top of a very hostile planet makes this planet a fire fight from the very beginning.  For as much emphasis that they put on the chances the Mako will crash, you know that it won't.  I mean let's be honest, if you crashed and you entire party died that may be the worst ending to a video game ever!  However, as bad as it would be I can guarantee that it would also be the most surprising ending.

Once you do land, you see Saren and many Geth lock themselves into an ancient Prothean bunker.  The good news for me, there was no room to take the Mako anywhere at this point.  You now find yourself searching for a way into the bunker on foot. 

There are many Geth still around.  You will have to fight your way through them while looking for a way into the bunker.  Be sure to take plenty of cover.  I died a couple times at this point in the game.  Not because I was over matched, but because there seemed to be enemies on every side of you.  Just when I thought I was safe behind cover, BAM get drilled in the head with a enemy rocket.

After finding the security system you will find a transmission from a damaged hologram.  It seems to be some type of warning.  However, it is hard to tell for sure because of how damaged it is.  All you can pick up are phrases like, "too late", "unable to", "invading fleets", "no escape".  Even with this warning there is no turning back.  Disable the security systems and enter the bunker in the Mako.

Make your way into the bunker.  There will be a few Geth forces but nothing that causes any concern.  Too me, it seemed like things were a little easy at this point in the game.  I was right.  About halfway into the bunker you run into a force field.  When you try to turn around you see that there is another force field.  The only option is to get out of the Make and go down the tunnel.

With my weapon drawn and cautiously walking down the corridor, I soon realize that there is nothing to fight down here.  Instead, a Prothean computer system awaits you.  Answering the questions can get you renegade or paragon points.  In the conversation with Vigil, the Computer system, you learn that the conduit is a small mass relay that would enable anyone who passes through it to bypass the Citadel's defense!

Of course Saren has already made it through and you have to get back into the Mako and get through the relay before it closes.  You have a limited amount of time to get to the relay.  Once you hit the relay there is a short cut scene and you realize that you are back in the Citadel, which is under attack!

Nesxt up: The Finale: Back in the Citadel!

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