Friday, April 1, 2011

Exclusive Story - New Class in World of Warcraft

In a first for the Orion Project, we've acquired information from a reliable source in Activision/Blizzard!

Bobby Kotick, president of Activision/Blizzard has decided that in order to improve the failing Guitar Hero brand while making a new expansion for World of Warcraft, a new class needs to be introduced.

Meet the Rock Warrior, star of the expansion, World of Warcraft: Warriors of Rock!

Bobby Kotick is quoted as saying, "It's a bold strategy, but I'm sure it will work.  Everyone that used to love Guitar Hero is playing World of Warcraft now anyways.  This way, we can make everyone who wants to play the new class buy a brand new expansion and controller.  Besides, we already have thousands of licensed songs, why shouldn't we use them in every game possible?  I'm a genius!"

Blizzard isn't revealing too many specific stats on the class yet, but they have revealed a few key details

  1. The class will fight with its trusty axe.  It can dual wield, single wield, or use a two necked axe that will be a two handed weapon.
  2. Abilities will be named after songs that were featured in the Guitar Hero series.
  3. Abilities will be stronger if used in the rhythm of the songs being played.
  4. There will be 3 key specializations that will provide variety in the class's play style
  5. The following are specializations and key abilities of the Rock Warrior
    1. Heavy Metal - Tank specialization.  Hardens own body using the power of rock and metal.
      1. Thunder Kiss 65 - Head butt the target, gain massive hate/aggro.
      2. Enter Sandman - Become a quicksand like substance.  Every enemy that attacks you loses speed and attack strength.
      3. Paranoid - Gain a small amount of hate/aggro among all enemies.
    2. Aerosmith (Arrow Smith) - Ranged specialization.  Uses overplayed unoriginal music to cause damage at range.
      1. Dream On - Gains great increases to evasion for a certain amount of time.
      2. Train Kept a Rollin - Increases ranged attack speed for a set amount of time.
      3. Walk This Way - Sustained Ability.  All enemies within 10 yards suffer decreased movement speed.
    3. Van Halen (Van Halen)- Elemental Specialization. Causes various damage to the enemy with elemental based attacks.
      1. Ice Cream Man - Any enemy who attacks you loses movement speed due to ice.
      2. Eruption - Creates a volcano that deals Damage Over Time to anyone in the blast radius.
      3. Hot for Teacher - Causes damage over time to a single target.  Target must be at your level or above.
This expansion will be fine tuned, beta'd and released sometime next year.  They're targeting a date around 4/1/12.  Stay tuned for more details on this game.

Happy April Fools Everyone! 
Art by Audrey Lewis

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