Sunday, March 27, 2011

#34: Borderlands

First, I have to pay tribute to the cover art.  This is my favorite cover art for any video game.  It's unique and describes the insanity of the world before you've even put the game into your system.

This is dangerous for me.  If I talk about Borderlands to someone, I want to play it.  Even right now, looking at the cover of the game, I'm feeling the need to start my character back up and search for some epic weapons.  There's only one game that's more addictive/dangerous to me and that's further up the list.

Borderlands is what happens when you allow a psychopath to create the story and world of a Diablo FPS.  The gameplay moves quick and crisp.  Most shooter fans love the variety of weapons, hit detection, and epic battles.  Most RPG fans love the skill trees, level ups, damage text, and the MMO-like class based team combat.  Either way you look at it, Borderlands rams a couple genres together and somehow succeeds.

I don't care about graphic capabilities in a game.  The quality of the graphics have never been important to me.  However, the art style can add some major brownie points to my impressions of a game.  Borderlands' cell shaded style wasn't the prettiest thing, but it added character to the universe.

I devoted a large amount of time to this game.  After awhile, I finally managed to quit.  Then, I had a boring day, popped it back in, and played for another month.  This game hooks me.

Please don't ask me to play it again.

1 comment:

  1. My roommate and I just started this back up lol. Great freaking addicting!
