Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Mass Effect: Liara's Dig Site

I have to first start by saying it may have taken me more time to find a good picture for this post than it did competing the task of rescuing Liara...  Part of the reason was I traveled to Noveria and Feros before going to Liara's Dig Site.  It does not matter the order that you travel to the planets, but it does seem like many people would suggest going here first after leaving The Citadel.

When you land on this planet you start in the Mako.  I really wish that they did not use this vehicle so often.  I can understand using it on a planet or two, but come on, every planet so far?  In my opinion, I would prefer not to use it.  So in most cases I just drive past everything and get to the point where I can get out of it.

Once you make it through the gauntlet of Geth while in the Mako you run into a Geth Colossus.  This is one of the enemies that you are not able to really drive past.  After defeating him you can finally get out of the Mako and start making your way to the dig site.

I expected to be underground searching for Liara for at least an hour.  To my surprise you find her within 10 minutes.  She is contained and seems to be trapped.  So once again I figured I will have to make my way through the tunnels and fight my way to her location.  After one small attack and a fairly easy puzzle you are able to gain access to her.

Liara has now been freed, and the caves are starting to collapse.  Things might be getting interesting after all!  Sadly, there is only one other fight and a cut scene.  Next thing you know you are back on the Normandy.

This was the first time I was a little disappointed in Mass Effect.  Part of that may have been my own fault by traveling to other planets first, but this planet just left me unsatisfied.  The good news however, was that because it was a pretty easy planet, I was able to get through it on a night I didn't think I would be able to finish a planet.

Next up: Virmire!

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