Tuesday, March 22, 2011

About Tych80

I just wanted to send out a quick post to introduce myself.  I along with BluePai will be posting about opinions on new games, along with posting blogs about some of our favorites.  They could be a few months old, or 25 years!  We will encourage any discussions on many different games spanning many different systems. 

A little bit about myself.  I am engaged to a wonderful woman and we are expecting our first child.  Even with all this on my plate I still find time to game.  My main types of games that I play are: First Person Shooters, MMO's, RPG's, Sports, and Classic games.  I am not a big fan of Fighting Games.  Do not know why, but could never get into them.  That would be more of BluePai's expertise.

As we move forward with this blog please feel free to suggest topics for discussion along with commenting on existing topics.  I look forward to working on The Orion Project!


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