Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mass Effect: Virmire Part 1

May Contain Spoilers!

This planet has to be the exact opposite of Noveria.  Blue skies and sand beaches everywhere make this planet very pleasing to the eye.  Now to find the salarian reconnaissance team that has sent out their distress call.  All we know at this point is they have information on Saren.

As you approach Virmire, you are dropped onto the planet with the Mako... Now going 4 for 4 using the Mako on planets you have traveled to.  Your objective, to shut down the AA guns so that the Normandy can land. 

Traveling in the Mako you come across three separate Gatehouses that are swarming with Geth.  In order to get past the gates you will need to get out of the Mako and fight your way through the Geth and activate the gate in the gatehouse.  This applies for all gatehouses.  Once again you can use the Mako to kill enemies in passing, or take the route I did and just take a nice Sunday drive past everything.

You will soon reach the Salarian Camp and come into contact with Captain Kirrahe.  He informs you that he has found Saran's Research Facility.  It has been discovered that Saren has found a cure for the genophage (the hereditary virus which causes only one in a thousand krogan offspring to survive) and is now breeding a Krogan Army!

Having a Krogan in your party does not make things any easier.  Wrex (the Krogan in your party) is torn on what needs to be done.  On one hand he knows that Saren needs to be stopped at any cost.  On the other he has a chance to bring a cure that would repopulate his race.

There are a couple different ways you can take care of this.  I personally chose to talk Wrex down from the ledge by informing him that even though there is this cure, these Krogan would be slaves to Saren and they need to be destroyed in order to defeat Saren.  In order to go the route I did you would need to have your charm or intimidate leveled enough.  The other option would be to kill Wrex.  This option might be the only one available given the circumstances.

With all the drama with Wrex completed you can start to prepare for the assault.  Captain Kirrahe has a plan, he is going to use his ships drive core as a nuke to blow up the facility.  It needs to be airlifted into the facility but someone will need to go in and disable the AA guns.  Captain Kirrahe suggests two teams, your team to sneak in and disarm the AA weapons, and his which will provide cover and distraction in the front.  The lack of ground troops he has is a concern and asks for one of your crew members and you have to decide between Ashley and Kaiden....

Next up: Virmire Part 2!

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