Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Next game?!

So in light of BluePai's list of his top 50 games, I have decided to do my own list of my top 50 games.  All the games that will be on my list will have been played by me at some point in my life.  It could have been a few months ago, or something that I played when I was 10.  This list will begin once BluePai has finished his list of games.

While looking into the games that I have played in my past, I realized that there are recent games that I should have played that I never got around to.  It could have been because I didn't have the money to get the game, or maybe I never got around to playing it.  What I want to do is get some people's opinions on a recent game that I will list. 

I will choose a few games that I have heard are good.  From this point I would like YOUR input on the listed games.  Who knows maybe when it is all said and done it may even crack my top 50!

The games to choose from are as follows:

Crysis 2
Dragon Age
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Mass Effect
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Splinter Cell: Conviction

Along with playing one of these games, I will post a blog after I finish it.  There may be a possibility that I will post mid game as well.  So let the debate begin!



  1. I have to say that I'm LOVING Crysis so far.

  2. Mass Effect is a decent shooter/RPG hybrid. It was the first game I played when we got our Xbox 360 in December and I liked the RPG aspect and felt like it was a good stepping stone for me to get into the more "hardcore" FPS games.

    Unfortunately, my live acct didn't sync correctly and all my gamer data got deleted. So I do have to say, that playing through the game a second time is pretty slow and boring. But I'm trying to play my character a different way to mix it up a bit.

  3. Homefront - Good MP, terrible campaign. Wouldn't make it a priority.
    Dragon Age - An outstanding RPG in the vein of the Baldur's Gate series of old. I played it on PC, and I hear the combat is a bit different on the consoles, but still...great game.
    Mass Effect - Another great Bioware RPG. It was more "shooter-ish" than I thought it would be - you actually have to be able to aim, take cover, etc.
    Batman: AA - Kind of reminds me of the old Metroid games in that early on, you'll see areas that you won't be able to access until later when you have certain Bat-tools. Very fun combat, and a really cool game if you're even a casual Batman fan - alot of story here.

    Haven't played any of the rest. If I had to pick only one for ya, I'd probably go with Mass Effect, but Batman is a close second.

    Just my two cents.

  4. Unsurprisingly I'm going to recommend mass effect! Partly b/c it's the only one of your list that I've played and partly b/c it's just a wonderfully immersive game. From the point of view of someone who can't fairly call herself a gamer, the graphics are amazing, the voice acting is incredible and the story will turn your brain into goo. I'd also like to see if you make the same game-changing choices that Nick or I made. Play it!

  5. I just started Crysis 2 yesterday and I must say that it gives the original PC version a run for its money. The change from massive open island to semi-linear urban warfare fits the transition to console. After you are done with Crysis I would say go for Mass Effect or Dragon Age. When you stick with Bioware you can't go wrong.

  6. I appriciate all the feed back that I have gotten so far on this topic. It does seem like there is a strong push for Mass Effect and Crysis 2. So to include the factor that is know as money, I think I am going to pick up Mass Effect seeing as it is $40 cheaper. Once I am finished with that I will most likey jump to a new game on my list. So please feel free to continue to comment on the games listed
