Wednesday, March 23, 2011

#45: Dynasty Warriors 4

The Dynasty Warriors series always seems to catch a lot of flak in gaming circles.  I understand the general reasons:
  • They're very monotonous
  • The AI is abysmal
  • The game is cheesy
All of those things are very true.  However, to those points I say:
  • They're monotonous because they're trying to make a system where 40+ people are playable and relatively balanced.  And if Dynasty Warriors' combat is repetitive, then so is God of War's
  • The AI is abysmal because dozen's of enemies are eligible to fight you at any given time.  Also, like many games, if you play on hard, the AI takes a pretty big jump up in intelligence.
  • The game is cheesy because... Fine.  The game is extremely cheesy.  Point conceded.

Behind the gameplay, Dynasty Warriors 4 features an unlock system that could keep you playing for months.  No really, I did, it took months.  Despite unlocking basically everything for every character, I never found myself getting bored.

Dynasty Warriors 4 never claims to be inspirational or emotional.  It's a game where if you flex your ancient Chinese muscles, more than likely, 10 people will die (or get K.O.'ed).  The game may have faults, but it is fun.

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