Saturday, March 26, 2011

Mass Effect Cont.

The Citadel!

Last night I was able to explore The Citadel and get a bunch of side quests in.  I wanted to kind of stay on the main quest path, but it is so easy to get side tracked into other things.  Mass effect does a good job of having the side quests come to you.  This being part of the reason I got so side tracked.  It seemed to me that whenever you found a new area to explore, there was a new character asking for your help.  Knowing that I could use the exp. and the credits, how could I say no?

The combat in Mass Effect is something that I am not completely on board with yet.  The controls seem to be a bit shaky at times, but I have been told that they get better as your character builds up his skill.  One of the aspects that I am happy with is the cover system.  In the early stages of your character development it seems to be very important that you find cover when in a fight.  A few times I decided to go all out and just attack.  That ended very quickly with my entire party dead in the matter of seconds.

So, after a good three hours, and a couple of beers, I finally got back onto the main quest path (even though I had the proof I needed to move forward about 45 into playing last night).  Had I not been so tired I easily could have kept playing.  The more I play Mass Effect the harder it is for me to put it down. 


  1. Mass effect definitely gets more and more addictive the longer you play it. I'm curious - who do you have in your party? Obviously you haven't collected everybody yet, but did you change out any humans?

  2. I have been changing people frequently to see who I really like. When I was on The Citadel I used Ashley and Kaiden for the majority of it. Also I had put Wrex in there for a little bit too.

    While on Noveria I used Garrus and Tali'Zorah Nar Rayya. She kind of got on my nerves because she was always getting killed and not really shooting anything.

    I believe there is only one more character I can unlock but I am sure I will try to use them all. That is unless Ashley gets really racist again and kills one of the aliens.
