Wednesday, March 23, 2011

#46: Dead Space

This game is one of the few recent titles on my list.  But, the second I beat it, I knew I had beaten a classic.  Dead Space is an action horror game that's very big on both parts action and horror.

Dead Space featured one of the most lonely adventures I've ever experienced.  While a little conversation is provided by a couple survivors, the only other dialogue is provided by your girlfriend.  However, through a large portion of the game, you have no clue if your girlfriend is dead, alive, or none of the above.  That bit of insanity makes you feel even more isolated.

The lack of a HUD always keeps you on edge.  The lack of a pause menu keeps you agitated during the slow moments.  There was definitely a moment when I screamed, loudly, while playing the game.  I had opened up my inventory to use a health pack.  Unfortunately, accessing the inventory (or map) doesn't pause the game.  I thought I was alone.  Then, I got slashed from behind by an enemy.  In real life, I screamed so loud that my dog jumped up and thought I was being attacked.  Good dog.

The action is great, but that's not what separates this game from the pack.  Play through Dead Space in a dark room alone and you'll feel the protagonist's isolation.

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