Monday, March 28, 2011

Mass Effect: Noveria

Contains possible spoilers!

Picture Canada in the Winter.  Now make it 10 times worse!  That is the impression that I got from the wonderful planet Noveria.  It is a frozen planet where no one would want to travel to unless they had specific business there.  As it turns out the reason you are there is you are looking for Matriarch Benezia.

When you first land you will encounter a greeting that is as warm and friendly as the planet itself.  After the guards are told to stand down you are then able to start looking around.  While you are searching the area and finding information on Matriarch Benezia, you quickly find out that many of the locals have been told not to talk with you.  Eventually you will find people who are willing to give you information on Matriarch Benezia.  Only problem is she has traveled to Peak 15 and the only way there is through the garage that you can't access.

Once you gain access to the garage you are able to get into a vehicle and drive to Peak 15.  This was not an easy task for me.  For some reason it took me a few times to get through it without everyone getting killed.  After driving your snow vehicle to Peak 15 you enter and find that it is in disarray.  Something has gone wrong and you first encounter The Rachni.

You fight your way through the Rachni in Peak 15 and finally find survivors.  How could things have gotten this bad here?  Turns out that the researchers at Peak 15 are responsible for the Rachni.  They were trying to raise them to be allies.  It does not go according to plan.  

Being the good hearted character that I am, I agree to help rid them of the Rachni problem.  What a bad decision I made.  Shortly after killing off the remaining Rachni I return to the survivors.  No one is around so I start to wander around for them.  Had I killed them off in the process?  My question is soon answered when I walk through a door and am fired upon by the survivors from orders of Matriarch Benezia!  At this point I really wished I had saved my game less than an hour ago.  Fortunately, I made my way through the survivors and onto the battle with Matriarch Benezia!

This was not a very difficult fight once I knew what to do.  Matriarch Benezia send a few waves of enemies at you.  As long as you keep cover and stay out of sight from Matriarch Benezia it goes fairly quick.  Once the battle has finished you see that Matriarch Benezia has been keeping the last Queen Rachni in the universe contained.  While examining the Queen, one of the enemies bodies stands up and starts to walk towards you.  The Queen Rachni is communicating to you through the deceased enemy.

The choice then, to let the queen go and continue their race or kill her off and wipe them out of existence?  The choice is yours.  I just hope my choice does not come back to bite me later on.

Next up: Feros!


  1. But did you let her live or not?!

  2. I guess you will have to keep reading my posts to find out. Depending on if my choice comes back up at some point later on in the game you will read about it. If not I guess you will have to wait until I finish.
