Wednesday, March 23, 2011

#43: Left 4 Dead

We're just going to ignore the single player for Left 4 Dead.  No one bought this game for the single player.  If they did, they were extremely disappointed.  Let's move on from there.

The multiplayer in Left 4 Dead was an extremely addicitve beast.  If you were playing on your own, without a group of friends, the game was unique.  If you were playing with a group.  Well, you played til 4 AM like Tych and I did on countless occasions.

It features my 2nd favorite squad based combat (first place will be seen further up the list).  You played as survivors or infected.  If you were a human, you HAD to stay with your group or you would die.  No questions asked.  The survivors moved from station to station murdering countless zombies, but always staying vigilant for a lost teammate.

Playing as the infected was a completely different experience.  You would stalk after the survivors, waiting for a good location or time to strike.

Then... bedlam.
1 infected type was excellent at creating a massive diversion (the boomer).  The other 2 types were excellent at destroying isolated survivors.  After either side won, rinse and repeat.  1 multiplayer game of Left 4 Dead featured numerous stories of awesome moments, whether they were beneficial or hilariously suicidal.  If only it had featured a matchmaking system.


  1. Yeah, why didn't they create a matchmaking system for this game? Shouldn't that be built in to the Xbox OS or something? There is no reason that we can't automatically find people online to play with who are as good as we are at whatever game it is we're playing.

  2. I agree with you 100%! With a matchmaking system I may still be playing Left 4 Dead. Like Blue had mentioned, there were many late, LATE, nights spent on this game. Because of the lack of a matchmaking system, we would try and see how long it would be before the opposing team quit. Hopefully we see a team based multi player that was this fun sooner than we do later!
