Sunday, March 27, 2011

#35: Ninja Gaiden Black

Holy freaking crud.  This game was difficult.  While playing Ninja Gaiden Black, I threw controllers 3 times (a rarity for me) and tried a new move where I attempted to squeeze the controller so hard that it would break.  Fortunately, I'm not the Hulk, so that didn't work.

Ninja Gaiden Black and its predecessor, Ninja Gaiden, are in my opinion, the perfect action games.  They're difficult, but beatable.  They rely on timing, not button mashing.  And they feature so many "holy crud" moments that you keep coming back for more.  You can also use the environment as a weapon, pulling off impressive wall runs before raining blades on your foes.  Off the top of my head, I can't think of another game that uses its background better for fighting.

The basic enemies in NGB aren't cannon fodder.  They're cannons.  You'll face off against standard ninjas consistently, and at any time, they can rip off a combo that'll halve your health bar.  You always have to be vigilant because no enemy's a pushover.

This game loses points for having a very odd plot.  At some points it's a cliche, while at others, it's unintelligible. You'll fight in the normal settings, against the normal terrifying enemies.  During any of the heart-pounding fight scene, you won't care about the setting.  However, once the fighting stops and you explore the environment, you notice that you've been there in thousands of games before.

Beating Ninja Gaiden is an achievement and while I can't recommend it for all gamers, I do recommend it to anyone that's taken out a God of War.  GOW got many elements perfect, but the action in Ninja Gaiden is just plain better.

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