Tuesday, March 22, 2011

My 50 Favorite Video Games

This whole blog is starting because of a recommendation from a fellow gamer that my top 50 games list belongs not only on Facebook, but also on the web.  

So first off, thank you AB.

 I was sitting during a 5 hour session of guard duty at work, yesterday.  It was miserable.  I was painfully bored.  After throwing a pen off of a door and catching it 100 times, I decided that I should finally figure out what my favorite games are.

To compile this list, I went through a complete games list of every system I've ever played writing down my "favorites".  I then had a list of around 90 games.  I then very scientifically started rating them above or below each other.  Ok, fine.  There was no science.  This was looking at two games and then pondering "which one is more innovative, addictive, replayable, memorable, and most importantly, fun?"

In a few years, this list will definitely change.  Heck, this list has been tinkered with 3 times since I made it yesterday.  But I feel very confident that these games are my favorites and the top 10 are my personal Hall of Fame.

I'm going to reveal a couple games from the list a day.  There will definitely be other posts going on as this list unravels, so if my top 50 list is going to bore you, then tomorrow you can check out my impressions on Homefront.

Sit back, enjoy the ride, and please... debate with me on why my picks are right or wrong.  It should be a great time.

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